Informe Prof. Hooper contra las terapias conductuales en SFC

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Informe Prof. Hooper contra las terapias conductuales en SFC

Mensaje por elipoarch »

[t]Medicina mágica: Cómo hacer desaparecer una enfermedad[/t]
El Prof. Malcolm Hooper, de Inglaterra, ha escrito un informe de 442 páginas documentando, no sólo lo perjudicial que puede ser la Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual que se recomienda en Inglaterra y otros sitios (la terapia "P.A.C.E.") sino cómo fueron sesgados los estudios que la recomiendan y otras irregularidades que se produjeron en su elaboración, y también cómo se entrena a aquellos que han de aplicarlos para denostar e ignorar a los enfermos de Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica / Encefalopatía Miálgica. El estudio concluye que la terapia que se intenta aplicar no sólo no es válida, sino que puede llevar en algunos casos a la muerte del enfermo.

Además, hay reproducida más abajo la carta que envía al Ministro de Ciencia e Innovación.

[t]Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear[/t]

12th February 2010

A formal complaint has been lodged by Professor Malcolm Hooper with the Rt. Hon The Lord Drayson, Minister of State with responsibility for the Medical Research Council (Science and Innovation) about the “PACE” Clinical Trial of behavioural modification interventions for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

PACE is the acronym for Pacing, Activity, and Cognitive behavioural therapy, a randomised Evaluation, interventions that, according to one of the Principal Investigators, are without theoretical foundation.

The MRC’s PACE Trial seemingly inhabits a unique and unenviable position in the history of medicine. It is believed to be the first and only clinical trial that patients and the charities that support them have tried to stop before a single patient could be recruited and is the only clinical trial that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has ever funded.

Since 1993, the giant US permanent health insurance company UNUMProvident has been advising the UK DWP about the most effective ways of curtailing sickness benefit payments. The PACE Trial is run by psychiatrists of the Wessely School, most of whom work for the medical and permanent health insurance industry, including UNUMProvident. These psychiatrists insist – in defiance of both the World Health Organisation and the significant biomedical evidence about the nature of it -- that “CFS/ME” is a behavioural disorder, into which they have subsumed ME, a classified neurological disorder whose separate existence they deny. Their beliefs have been repudiated in writing by the World Health Organisation.

In 1992, the Wessely School gave directions that in cases of ME/CFS, the first duty of the doctor is to avoid legitimisation of symptoms; in 1994, ME was described by Professor Simon Wessely as merely “a belief”; in 1996 recommendations were made that no investigations should be performed to confirm the diagnosis and in 1999 patients with ME/CFS were referred to as “the undeserving sick”.

The complaint is supported by a 442 page Report which addresses areas of major concern about the PACE Trial.

These include apparent coercion and exploitation of patients, flawed methodology, apparent lack of scientific rigour, apparent failure to adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki, the unusual personal financial interest of the Chief Investigator, the vested financial interests of the Principal Investigators and others involved with the trial and the underlying non-clinical purpose of the trial.

The psychiatrists’ unproven beliefs and assumptions are presented as fact and trial therapists have been trained to provide participants with misinformation; therapists have also been trained to advise participants to ignore symptoms, a situation that may in some cases result in death.

There are some extremely disquieting issues surrounding the MRC PACE Trial and documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act allow the full story to be told for the first time.

People with ME/CFS do not seek any special consideration; they simply wish to be treated equally to those who suffer from other classified neurological disorders. As shown in the Report that accompanies the complaint, the MRC PACE Trial clearly demonstrates that people with ME/CFS are not treated equally to those with other chronic neurological disorders.

El informe se encuentra en" onclick=";return false;
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CONTACT: Professor Malcolm Hooper Tel. +44 191 528 5536

Letter of complaint to the Rt Hon The Lord Drayson

11th February 2010
The Rt Hon The Lord Drayson
Minister of State
(Science and Innovation)
1, Victoria Street

Dear Minister

re: Complaint about the Medical Research Council

It is with deep concern that I lodge this formal complaint about the Medical Research Council with you in your capacity as Minister with responsibility for the MRC.

You will doubtless be aware of the serious problems at the MRC that were documented in the 2003 Report of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology (HC 132) in which MPs issued a damning judgment on the MRC, lambasting it for wasting funds and for introducing misguided strategies for its research. MPs found evidence of poor planning and of focusing on “politically-driven” projects that have diverted money away from top-quality proposals. The unprecedented attack was the result of a detailed probe into the workings of the MRC.
Sadly, very serious problems continue to exist at the MRC, with disastrous results for patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The attached 442 page Report addresses the background to the MRC “PACE” Trial on “CFS/ME”, the biomedical evidence that disproves the assumptions of the MRC trial Principal Investigators, the many extremely disturbing issues surrounding the PACE Trial, and illustrations from the Manuals used in the trial.

The unproven beliefs and assumptions of the MRC Investigators are presented as fact; trial therapists have been trained to provide participants with misinformation, and therapists have also been trained to advise participants to ignore symptoms arising from the interventions, a situation that may in some cases result in death.

Patients with ME/CFS do not seek any special consideration; they simply wish to be treated equally to those with other classified neurological disorders. As shown in the commissioned Report that accompanies this complaint (a bound copy of which will follow), the MRC Trial clearly demonstrates that people with ME/CFS are not treated equally to those with other chronic neurological disorders.

Given the long-standing recognition that at least one of the interventions used in the trial is contra-indicated for people with ME/CFS, an intervention that is already known to have adverse effects on 50% of those who have already undertaken it, there is international concern about the MRC PACE Trial.

I urge you to read the attached Report and to respond to it with due attention and alacrity. You may wish to know that the Report is already on international academic websites.

Yours sincerely

Professor Malcolm Hooper
VINCIT QUI SE VINCIT (Vence quien se vence a sí mismo)
EX NOTITIA VICTORIA (En el conocimiento reside el triunfo) 12
(tomado prestado de un amiguete... gràcies, Fran)
Mensajes: 58
Registrado: 27 Nov 2009, 19:30

Re: Informe Prof. Hooper contra las terapias conductuales en SFC

Mensaje por gerardo »

Yo soy psicólogo, afectado y trabajado (en la medida de mis fuerzas) en psicoterapia.

Avalo, en términos generales, la práctica inutilidad de este tipo de terapia para nosotros.

Básicamente la terapia cognitivo-conductual (actualmente más influenciada por lo cognitivo) ha venido diciéndole a las personas que sus problemas es por que no piensan correctamente; están equivocados y que una mejor interpretación de la realidad les mejoraría su situación.

Aplicado a nosotros lo que se puede crear es un mecanismo de negación de nuestra realidad, con lo cual seguiremos machacándonos físicamente y psicológicamente al vernos todavía más incapaces de adoptar el patrón mental que se nos requiere, etc, etc.
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Registrado: 22 Nov 2009, 02:01

Re: Informe Prof. Hooper contra las terapias conductuales en SFC

Mensaje por elipoarch »

gerardo escribió:sus problemas es por que no piensan correctamente; están equivocados y que una mejor interpretación de la realidad les mejoraría su situación
:lol: :lol: :lol: si es así, los que necesitan la terapia son ellos, por ellos son los que no ven nuestra realidad y no piensan correctamente :lol:
VINCIT QUI SE VINCIT (Vence quien se vence a sí mismo)
EX NOTITIA VICTORIA (En el conocimiento reside el triunfo) 12
(tomado prestado de un amiguete... gràcies, Fran)