Detección de XMRV en sangre periférica en niños

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Detección de XMRV en sangre periférica en niños

Mensaje por elipoarch »

[t]Detection of infectious XMRV in the peripheral blood of children[/t]

Abstract: P_19

M.A. Pfost1, K.S. Hagen1, F.W. Ruscetti2, J.A. Mikovits11Whittemore Peterson Institute, ARF, Reno, USA; 2NCI- Frederick, Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, Frederick, USA

Background: XMRV is a new human retroviral infection of as yet unknown pathogenic potential. Recent reports have found XMRV infection in 3% of healthy adult populations and high percentages in populations of immune compromised individuals and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). The prevalence of XMRV infection has not been explored in families with CFS or in children. An understanding of the XMRV infection rate in children may be particularly helpful, given that 1 in 100 children in the US are diagnosed with neuroimmune disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and that CFS and childhood neuroimmune disorders share common clinical features including immune dysregulation, increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and chronic active microbial infections. Thus, we hypothesized that XMRV infection may be detected not only in families with CFS but also in children with other neuroimmune disorders.

Methods: 66 subjects participated as family members of a parent or child diagnosed with a neuroimmune disease. Age, sex, date of onset, geographic location and length of illness were recorded. The study group consisted of 29 children, 2-18 years of age and 37 parents. 19 of the adults (51%) have a neuroimmune illness including CFS, fibromyalgia and Lyme disease and 17 of the children (59%) are diagnosed with ASD. One pair of 3 yr old twins have Niemann-Pick type C, a neurodegenerative disease. 10 of the children (34%) were healthy siblings. Geographically, the subjects came from 11 states, 12% from the Southeast, 74% from the West, with 10% from NV, 8% from the Midwest and 6% from the Northeast. Sixteen families had more than one child participating including healthy siblings. Peripheral blood was drawn by a licensed phlebotomist under an approved IRB protocol, and shipped to the WPI for XMRV detection according to Lombardi et al. (Science, Oct 2009) including serology for antibodies to XMRV ENV, using PCR and RT-PCR on cultured PBMC nucleic acids as well as plasma isolation of XMRV to the LNCaP cell line. PCR products were sequenced at the Nevada Genomics Center using the ABI3730 DNA Analyzer.

Results: XMRV was detected in 55% of 66 cases of familial groups from 11 states. Sequencing of PCR products of env and gag confirmed XMRV. The age range of the infected children was 2-18. 17 of the children (including the identical twins) were positive for XMRV (58%) and 20 of the 37 parents (54%) were positive for XMRV. 14 of the 17 autistic children were positive for XMRV (82%). Of the 17 families, only one had all members of the family test negative for XMRV. In contrast, 16 of the families with neuroimmune disease, 9 families had at least 1 parent and child test positive for XMRV. 4 of the families had a parent test negative with a positive child, and 2 families had a parent test positive with the diseased child testing negative.

Conclusions: XMRV is observed in children with a wide spectrum of neuroimmune disorders and their family members. The significance of these findings is not clear.No conflict of interest

fuente: ... 2010_8.pdf

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Re: Detección de XMRV en sangre periférica en niños

Mensaje por EndSFC »

Guau!, 82% en autismo!!! Quiero recordar que el SFC y el autismo han sido postulados condiciones similares a nivel bioquímico y fisiológico, en ambos se ha demostrado un fallo en el ciclo de metilación (necesario para silenciar el XMRV -en teoría, por similitud a otros virus-), ambos exhiben fallo mitocnondrial, disfunciones inmunes similares, excitotoxicidad, etc.


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